Via Julian G4ILO I came across a WSPRnet report from DM1RG on his success with a newly built KGD Antenna from the German site QRP Project. I had actually ordered their other antenna project (a Multiband Fuchs antenna that enables a single 41m wire to operate on all 8 HF bands) a few days ago and earlier tonight revisiting their site I was readng more about the KGD antenna - a very small vertical dipole - how's 130cm for a 30m antenna that enabled a link from D to VK on 5 watts?
The Kurz Geratener Dipol antenna is no longer available as a kit but the instructions are still online - auf deutsch. I should also have a go at translating the manual. It seems to be quite an effective design. On the 40m version (pictured here from the QRP project site) - all 150cm of it - the bandwidth between SWR 2:1 points is 45kHz.
Reading about the antenna again on the same evening is clearly some kind of good omen? I can almost imagine one mounted bike mobile!
Nate KA1MUQ Turns His Frying Pan DC Receiver into a Double Sideband
Transceiver and Works Idaho from California
*Wow, you can see the look of homebrew satisfaction as Nate works Idaho
from California with his homebrew Double Sideband Transceiver. It is a
good thing...
5 hours ago
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