There's been a great explanation posted on the Buddipole list about the practicalities of using the A123 battery packs Buddipole sell from their site.
The advantages of the A123 chemistry are low weight, fast charge times and ability to deliver high current. As well their voltage - 13.2v for a four cell pack such as the one shown - is well-suited to modern amateur radio gear.
The email exchange is yet another example of how an innocent newbie's question can draw out the best information which benefits the broader group. Mark KD5RXT's explanation of duty cycle and the unique qualities of this new battery chemistry are almost text-book ready!
I'm still keen to find out more about the selection of the best solar cell and charger system to keep such a battery topped up. I sense that a system that could take advantage of its fast charge rate might dwarf the rest of the radio gear. And I also sense that current portable solar panels, especially the expensive roll-up ones might barely keep track even at QRPp levels.
Homebrew Challenges Much Like Ours: The Direct Conversion Receiver of Wes
Hayward W7ZOI and Dick Bingham W7WKR -- QST November 1968
*I was thinking about some of the challenges faced by the builders of the
1 day ago
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