Took delivery yesterday of a Palm Radio Paddle and the Code Cube. Reassuring how well made they are. The paddle is very finely adjustable. t comes with a neat base which has two strong magnets which have s great grip on the top of a FT-817 and make for a very compact package.
Very convenient combo for practising using a paddle and ready to go out of the box - but I can't work out how to adjust the actual volume of the sidetone. Maybe it can't be done. Excellent quality is such a relief when you buy something sight unseen on the recommendations of others.
I also got the Peg Legs for the FT-817 which are very neat and retractable. They took all of a couple of minutes to attach to the tiny transceiver. It took me longer to work out how to re-thread the carrying strap through the bracket slots. Good to put the brain through its paces.
Homebrew Challenges Much Like Ours: The Direct Conversion Receiver of Wes
Hayward W7ZOI and Dick Bingham W7WKR -- QST November 1968
*I was thinking about some of the challenges faced by the builders of the
1 day ago
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