Now I can see the article by Tony K2MO that was being talked about on the digitalmodes email list and that generated a flurry of activity with the ALE 400 mode. It explains how to use MultiPSK by Patrick F6CTE to use ALE 400 to have error-free two way keyboard chats.
Other articles this month include:
Homebrew Challenge II Winner #1 — The Lowest Cost Entry - Donald W. Huff, W6JL
For less than $30, you can build this 40 meter band 50 W linear amplifier for your QRP rig.
HF Yagi Triplexer Especially for ARRL Field Day - Gary Gordon, K6KV
Put three transceivers on one antenna using a decoupling network in conjunction with band-pass filters.
A Fan Dipole for 80 through 6 Meters - Richard P. Clem, WØIS
Parallel dipoles can be easy to build and are quite effective — once you know the rules.
Receiver Sensitivity — Can You Have Too Much? - Joel R. Hallas, W1ZR
With modern receivers, hams are not as concerned with sensitivity as they once were. But if you want top performance from your rig, here are some tips to keep in mind.
A Vehicle Mounted Mast for Field Operating - Geoff Haines, N1GY
This easy-to-deploy portable mast will get your Field Day antenna up fast.
Product Review includes the second part of the wrap on popular dual-lever keyer paddles — Vibroplex Iambic Standard, Elecraft's HexKey, K8RA's P-2 & W5JH's Black Widow Kit.
Homebrew Challenges Much Like Ours: The Direct Conversion Receiver of Wes
Hayward W7ZOI and Dick Bingham W7WKR -- QST November 1968
*I was thinking about some of the challenges faced by the builders of the
1 day ago
ReplyDeleteWhere may I found the full article ????
My email is
Thank you, George